Garden Timelapse

Garden Timelapse

Monday, June 2, 2008

Peas a poppin!

The peas are already starting to come up and the ball zucchini have little balls on them!...I probably should have worded that differently...

Tanis and I grabbed a couple more tomato plants this weekend which brings our total up to...uhh... a lot. four or five.. I'm not sure.

We also grabbed some more cucumber starts which still need to be planted and some lemon thyme (which Tanis got for the yummy smell).

While Tanis is off in Spokane with the boy I've been trying to get a bunch of work done in the yard but have yet to get in the garden. :-) I have it on my giant list of things to do but its slipping down the roster since I have more pressing matters to attend to. Like fixing the screen door that the cats busted through or weeding our sad excuse for a front flowerbed that everyone and their neighbor sees. Besides, I don't wanna hog all the fun of weeding! What kind of host would I be?!

Which reminds me. If you are under the assumption that since it's early there aren't any weeds to be dealt with yet you would be mistaken. They're small but numerous, like leprechauns! So feel free to schedule a weed time.

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