Garden Timelapse

Garden Timelapse

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Rows and the seeds that are in them

Two weekends ago I got the remaining rows formed and planted with two varieties of corn. Now all that needs to be done is some weeding along the edges of the garden and planting of the non-row plants (Pumpkins, cantaloupe, zucchini, and sunflowers). Hopefully this weather will really kick start the garden. It got a good bit of rain on Sunday and now it has the warmth and sun to get everything growing. I did see some peas starting to poke their heads out so the rest should be soon to follow! I also saw a gathering of little weed seedlings starting. Their forces are many and we are but a humble few. (I apologize for this. I just saw the movie 300 so bear with me) I stood there stolidly in their presence and said in my best David Wenham voice,

"And so it begins!..."

They announced to me, "The 1000 species of weeds decend upon you! Our dandelions will blot out the sun!"

I smiled and said, "Then we will weed in the shade!"

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Time Lapse

I took a before and after shot of the garden cause...I like doing that. It's a problem I have. I take before and afters of things no one will ever want to see from some of the smallest projects I've ever worked on, but I get a kick out of them so I just keep making them. I think it's because I like to see my progress, makes me feel like I accomplished something. So I made this one into an animated gif. I'm hoping that as the season goes on I'll continue to update this photo to show the progression of the garden all the way up till harvest!

I know...I'm a geek.


The garden has been tilled. I rented the 9hp tiller from Hertz and made about three passes before my two hour time limit was up. It did a pretty good job! It definitely had the umph to dig deep and rip through even the toughest weeds.