Wow I haven’t posted anything in a long time, my sincerest apologies. I would go out and take pictures of how the garden was doing and then never post them or make any comments. Sigh… Being an unmotivated lazy person has its disadvantages...

The time has flown by and I want to thank you all for being a part of this adventure! The garden truly wouldn’t have made it without you! Although the garden had its share of failures - cantaloupe plants being eaten by slugs, zucchini and sunflowers never seeding, and pole beans that were mislabeled - I feel that nevertheless the garden co-op was a success and hopefully you feel that way too. I think one of the best things that came from all this wasn’t actually related to growing vegetables and that was the Weed and Feed concept. I loved that people would come over, do a little gardening, let the kids run around and play and then we’d all come together after a bit of hard work and eat, enjoying good food with good people. My favorite moments over the summer came primarily from those gatherings.

The Co-Op has definitely been a learning experience for Tanis and I and with that comes the realization that we could have done some things better. I think we planted some seeds too late in the season and some we didn’t even get to plant because we were too lazy. The pumpkins took over too much real estate in the garden and that was mostly my fault. I let them grow wild when I should have thinned them out and reined them in better. We probably weren’t the best teachers either but I think we’ve learned from this and will make next year even better!
Which brings me to my final point. The Trapp Garden Co-Op will be available next year for those of you who want to join. It's completely voluntary of course and I wont feel bad if you don't want to do it again this coming year. :-)
Again I want to thank you for your time, commitment and friendship.
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