This week saw the first of the co-opers pitching in to help!
We had a bunch of people come over this week and make a big difference in the garden. Since I didn't take a before and after picture I had to create a graphic representation of what it looked like before they came and helped (shown on the left). Okay, okay, it wasn't
that bad but it was close!
Cathy came over on Sunday and helped Tanis plant the zucchini and beans into little pots in front of the garage. We put them in little pots instead of planting directly into the garden because an unknown threat devoured most of our bean seedlings last year and we had to replant them all. Once they get their secondary leaf they’ll be safe and in the clear, at which point they’ll be transferred to the garden. Cathy and Tanis also weeded the peas and planted the sunflowers in the NW side of the garden which I had weeded shortly before. Cathy deserves a fair amount of pity because she had to wear
my garden gloves which, honestly, sort of smells like a squirrel that has decomposed in a rain barrel (trust me I know). In any event, great job Cathy! And umm….sorry.
Tuesday afternoon Jess came over with Jude and Natalie. While the kids played in the yard, she and Tanis weeded the SW section of the garden where they planted her cantaloupe, transplanted some more pumpkin plants - because some of the ones I moved looked a little droopy - and got a mound ready for planting the zucchini! Thanks Jess!!
And last but not least, the Hjertager clan came over Tuesday evening to do their part. Pork and Steph took turns watching Ivy - who seemed pretty content to hang out on her blanket in the grass – while the other went and gardened. Steph and Tanis weeded the corn rows while Pork and I strung up the peas, created a mound for the mini pumpkins, got them planted, and weeded the raspberries. Awesome job guys!
Once we were done with all that, we put some burgers on the grill and they showed us a new and awesome way to cook corn on the cob! I’m hoping I’ll be able to do it to the corn we get from the garden!
This idea of coming over and gardening and then staying for some grub seems pretty cool and if anyone is interested in doing this Weed and Feed let me know!
Again thanks to all of you who helped out so far and don’t worry those of you who haven’t yet, we still have plenty of weeds to go around…